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Dan forgets Louise’s medication again because he’s so involved with the remodel of the funeral home for Darlene. Then he cancels their plans to see a concert when Becky needs a last-minute babysitter. Louise is tired of being Dan’s last priority.

During a fight with Dan, Louise leaves to sleep at the funeral home. Becky stops by to talk to her but doesn’t make things better.

Later, Louise tells Dan that she doesn’t expect him to ignore his kids, just to factor her in when he makes decisions that will affect her too. He agrees.

Dan’s construction crew comprises fellow senior citizens he used to work with years ago, but they’re free. And Ben is giving Darlene the construction materials at cost, but Darlene forgot to factor in insurance and taxes into her monthly expenses for the new home.

Darlene needs to make more money, so she asks for a raise at work. Robin tells Darlene that they both deserve raises, but the only people getting them are the line workers because the company doesn’t want them to quit. Robin and Darlene decide to band together, and demand raises for them both or threaten to quit.

When the company says they don’t have the money for management raises, Robin says they both quit, and Darlene and Robin leave work and head to a bar. Darlene panics. She wants to go back and beg for her job back, but Robin holds firm.

When Robin admits this might not work out, Darlene heads out the door, only to hear Robin get an email alert. The email says that Robin gets her raise. Darlene checks her email, but there’s nothing. Darlene tells Robin that she’s ruined her life, and she hopes Robin fails at everything she does…then Darlene gets an email saying she’s gotten a raise too.

The Conners
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The Conners Season 4 Episode 17 Quotes

One of the Conners has to succeed eventually. It’s the law of averages, like going to a tropical island and being killed by a falling coconut. There’s no reason that can’t happen to me.


Dan: The point is, if you’re too afraid to try, you’ll never know whether you could have gotten the raise or could have gotten the house.
Darlene: Oh, I want that house so bad.
Dan: Take it from an old man. It’s easier to live with failure than regret.