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Bell gets ahead o the PR nightmare by addressing the QuoVadis situation. Julian comes out to address the crowd. Devon is shocked she's still alive.

They spend time together, and he brings her home to see her cat. They have sex when he tells her he is no longer engaged. She talks about leaving again, and he wants her to stay.

Marshall wants her to help him with the QuoVadis turnaround. She wants to start her own nonprofit with Marshall's help. He was the only who knew where she was all this time.

He takes her offer and she's back to traveling around the world to make sure this never happens again.

Jessie is sick and believed to have kidney damage, possibly due to the trial she's part of. Their father Kyle comes into the picture claiming to be there for Jessie. He really came to pitch an idea to Marshall for an app.

Nic lays into him for being a crappy dad and he says he'll stay and be better.

Conrad and Alec work on a patient together. She's Olympic bound and his knee issues. They realize she doesn't have a uterus and she has testicles. Her testicles are cancerous. She doesn't want anything to keep her from the Olympic tryouts.

Conrad has a problem when Alec lies to their patient.

Alec confronts Nic about ignoring him and avoiding him. He tells her his feelings won't go away, and she tells him she loves Conrad. Conrad overhears all of this.

Kit's ex-husband admitted to the hospital. His health is dire and Mina and AJ have to save him. B ell supports Kit and she finds out she's Brett's power of attorney to make decisions. He notices how they both seem to still be in love with each other.

Brett survives. All is well.

Mina meets Micah to tell him after WEEKS of not speaking to him and considering his proposal she accepts. Micah tells her they're not right for each and breaks it off with her.

Marshall tells Conrad he is leaving. Conrad doesn't want his father to go, but Marshall wants to do more work in the medical industry. He tells him he's leaving Chastain, not Conrad's life. They hug and agreed to go on vacation together.

The Resident
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