17 TV Characters in Desperate Need of a New Personality

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TV has a wide array of different characters that keep us glued to the show they are in. 

Some characters are pretty good and manage to engage us week in, week out, but then there are some just fall flat. It comes down to the characters' personality and if they don't have one, what's the point in watching?

You can't deny that this list of characters need a new personality. The majority of them are obnoxious. Give these characters a new personality and we'd be much more invested in their character arcs.

1. Belle - Once Upon a Time

Rumbelle fans were in a flurry when Belle got closer to Knave in the second half of Season 4, but what does everyone see in this chick? Sure she has the looks, but the doesn't have the personality to match it. She always sees the best in people and struggles to accept when they are revealed to be evil. Boring.

2. Rick Grimes - The Walking Dead

There was a point when Rick could effortlessly be a leader to his people, but that ship sailed long ago with his personality. This once likeable character has become a mere shell of his former self, to the point his dialog just doesn't seem to correspond with Andrew Lincoln's acting. Write this character some decent material, folks!

3. Lucious Lyon - Empire

Lucious is cold blooded killer who revels in making his family feel his wrath. He let his baby mama, Cookie, take the fall for a drug bust that cost her seventeen years inside and he never visited her once. You’d think that he would have seen the error of his ways when he faced death, but it just made him more treacherous.

4. Wick Briggs - Blood & Oil

We know Scott Michael Foster is a fine actor, but his character in ABC's sudsy freshman drama is as boring as sin. He has a constant scowl on his face that seems to get the ladies into his bed, but that's about all there is to him. Let's hope he gets some decent material before the show is canceled.

5. Lance - Arrow

There's no denying that detective Lance has had a rough few years, but he could at least find a way to put his differences aside with some people. He seems like he is stuck in a rut where he thinks everyone is trying to attack Star City. That's all there is to him at this stage. He needs to like start dating or something, but he might bore his date to death.

6. Tamara - Awkward

Tamara was the strongest character on Awkward initially, but poor writing has made her into this horrible, horrible person that appears deranged. Her faux engagement and Adam in general further sent her into mediocrity. All she does is complain and it’s high time she got a reality check. The world doesn't revolve around her and her beautiful red hair.

7. Kurt - Blindspot

We know that his portrayer can act, but the character comes across as someone who thinks they are always right and just generally unlikeable. I mean, he's not smiled like at all throughout the first three episodes. You'd think he would have been at least a little happy to have Taylor back in his life and all. He needs to lighten up and stop taking everything so seriously because his character alone is at risk of making viewers tune out.

8. Alycia - Fear The Walking Dead

Considering the world is going to hell in LA, we can forgive people being a bit depressed, but we can't forgive characters who do the most pointless things. Remember way back in the second episode of the show, she just stood in the house while the walker just walked on through? Does the chick have a death wish? If yes, she’s on the right show!

9. Cersei - Game of Thrones

Cersei's default setting in Westeros is to be a bitch and it's wearing a bit thin nowadays. What will it take to change her? Considering a public shaming probably did nothing to help, there's probably no fix for her. She's fun to watch, but we can now predict what her next move is, so they need to change up the dynamics a little to keep us engaged.

10. Bonnie - HTGAWM

Bonnie being a killer was quite the shock, but it wasn't enough to give this character some new traits that would render her more interesting. All she seems concerned about is boning Asher, sucking up Annalise's butt and more sucking up Annalise’s butt. Grow a back bone, woman!

11. Michael - Jane The Virgin

He may have lost the love of his life, but he sure as hell lost all credibility in the process. It wouldn't have been an easy time for him, but he just kept working his way through other chicks and trying to one up Rafael. It's no wonder that every chick he got in the sack with was as crazy as Sin Rostro.

12. Piper - Orange Is The New Black

Piper appeared to be the focal point of the show, but she is slowly but surely getting less prominent. Viewers could be tiring of her because she always has the same expression on her face and she seems to think every chick wants her. They don't.

13. Liam - Quantico

Josh Hopkins brought the laughs for six seasons on Cougar Town, but his current post as Liam in Quantico is just flat out boring. Sure, he's busy manipulating everyone, but he must at least one more setting than that, right? Based on the character's scenes in both timelines, he needs to inherit a sense of humor.

14. Hester - Scream Queens

Lea Michele's Hester was poised to be one of the strongest characters on the show, but the character has the suckiest personality in history of sucky. Sure, she got a midseason transformation, but it did nothing to make her a remotely engaging character. She needs to get a grip like now and stop trying to upstage Chanel. She’s coming across as an opportunist.

15. Mary - Reign

Mary has to have one of the most mind numbing personalities on TV. One minute she's team Francis, the next she's team Mary and only Mary. She needs to get a conscience like now.

16. Iris - The Flash

Iris has never been the most well liked character on TV and that's no doubt down to her one dimensional personality. Would it kill the writers to make her remotely likeable? Deep down, all this character needs is to be a little less confident and less annoying. Job done!

17. Mona - Pretty Little Liars

Not even her death could bring her a new default setting. All she does is scheme, scheme and more sheme. She's going to end up with no one and it'll be all her fault. Maybe the five year time jump will serve this character well. We hope!

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Empire, The Walking Dead, Blood and Oil, Arrow, Awkward, Blindspot, Fear the Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, How to Get Away with Murder, Jane the Virgin, Orange is the New Black, Once Upon a Time, Quantico, Scream Queens, Reign, The Flash, Pretty Little Liars
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