13 Shows That Handled Sensitive Topics Gracefully

TV is entertaining, but the best shows address issues we or someone we love have faced. Here are the top 13 shows to treat sensitive issues with the respect they deserve.

13 Shows On the Bubble: Should They Stay or Go?

These 13 shows are on the bubble. Which will rise and which are we going to see it pop? Take a look at our predictions for shows that have yet to be renewed.

33 Shows You Better Not Miss in 2016

It's the New Year and that means new and returning shows will be coming at you fast and furious. We have put together a list of those you shouldn't miss.

What We're Watching: March 2 - March 8

Revenge returns this week and Suits Season 4 finishes up. Plus, The Bachelor women tell all special is going down! Here's what we're watching this week!

45 Movie Stars on TV

More movie stars are making the move to TV than ever before. Let's take a look at those who have made a major impact on the small screen.

American Crime Quotes

Here's the notice of his suspension, we don't play favorites. Every student is teated equally. I understand Ms. Blaine may feel otherwise, but we've done all that we can.


No one was singled out.
