13 Shows That Handled Sensitive Topics Gracefully

TV is entertaining, but the best shows address issues we or someone we love have faced. Here are the top 13 shows to treat sensitive issues with the respect they deserve.

19 TV Twists No One Saw Coming This Season

TV shows love to throw curveballs at fans. That's why we've rounded up 19 of the best twists from this season for you. Read on for the full list.

13 Shocked Celebs React to Their Cancellations

How did your favorite celebrities react to their series being canceled during upfronts? We've rounded up all of the reactions here!

Quotables for Week Ending April 7, 2017

Hold onto your hats, you guys, because here come the most quotable moments of the week ending April 7, 2017! Be still your beating hearts.

14 Shows You Should be Watching NOW!

There are a lot of choices on television, but if you're not watching these shows, you're missing out. See what we think you should be watching NOW!

Quotables for Week Ending March 24, 2017

Empire returned, there was a Supergirl/Flash musical. What else could be found during the week that brought happiness to our ears? Check out the most quotable moments.

Quotables for Week Ending March 18, 2017

Discover the most quotable moments of the week from your favorite shows. It was a rather weak week, so let's see who rose to the top! Read on.

American Crime Quotes

Here's the notice of his suspension, we don't play favorites. Every student is teated equally. I understand Ms. Blaine may feel otherwise, but we've done all that we can.


No one was singled out.
