23 TV Characters Who Own Their Age

Age is only a number, not a limitation, and on TV there are plenty of characters living their life on their own terms. Here are 23 of our favorites!

45 New and Returning Shows You Want to Watch This Summer

It's the time of year that sneaks up on you. Just when you thought all the best TV has gone off the air there's a surprising influx of great programming.

23 TV Shows Where Women Rule

Whether it's one woman who steals the show or a show full of talented females, women are taking over the world of television. Check out our list!

24 Hot Women of Summer TV

It's hot, hot, hot in the summer months and the small screen is loaded with women to make temperatures soar. We've hand-picked some for you inside!

9 Mothers That Make Us Laugh

Let's take a look at the mothers that lift our spirits. Mothering is a hard job, but these moms manage to do it while giving us the giggles.

21 TV Lawyers That Will Fight For Your Rights!

In honor of The Good Fight, premiering on CBS All Access February 19, 2017, I've gathered some of the best, worst and most memorable attorneys TV has to offer.

23 TV Shows You MUST Watch This Season

It's the time of year when every show you have ever dreamed about that isn't already on TV will be, so check out our list of what you want to watch next.

36 Reasons We're Indebted To The Small Screen

It's been a great year for television. Whether you're inundated with too much TV or have just enough on your plate, it's unlikely you cannot find something that draws you back.

9 Plot Twists That Made Our Head Spin

There were 9 twists on TV this spring that we'll never be able to forget. Find out which shows made the cut and just how far they twisted right now!

21 Shows with Serious Girl Power

Some of the best TV shows are made up of all female ensemble casts, where the women kick some butt and still come together for that perfect heart-to-heart.

12 TV Romances That Really Sprung This Spring

Which couples had us swooning this season? Check out our picks for best 'ships on TV and find out! Then be sure to let us know who we missed!

Quotables for the Week Ending February 4, 2016

Read on to find our most quotable moments for the week ending February 4, 2016. Can you believe hipsters made it into the show twice? Find out how!

Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Quotes

Abby: Well, people know. I can tell. Eric Frank eye-banged me at drop off. He's like a divorce seeking missile.
Lyla: Yeah, well, he finger-banged Marjorie Davis so count yourself lucky.

Abby: You smell like sex.
Jake: Screw you.