23 Times the Devil Stole the Show

They are fiendishly clever, sometimes darkly funny, and spine-chillingly "good" at what they do. Check out this hotter-than-Hell list of all the Devils we've come to know...

17 Women of TV Who Would Win a Bar Fight

We love seeing the badass female characters featured on television these days. Here are 17 women of TV who would definitely win in a bar fight!

27 Strong Sci-fi Chicks Who are Natural Leaders

Lots of science fiction shows have strong females who make impressive leaders. Read on for the best female leads are in Sci-fi, and why we think they belong in that role.

19 Fictional Femme Fatales: Hot and Homicidal!

Some of the best and most complex women on TV are often the ones who are not only devious and sexy, but also incredibly dangerous. Check out some of our favorite femme fatales on TV inside!

2015-2016 Renewal Scorecard

What has been renewed? What has been canceled? Click through this extensive photo gallery and learn the fate of your favorite sitcom or drama.