19 Scholars Willing To Risk It All For Education

Homework, teachers, and tests. School can be overwhelming. Fortunately, these scholars will remind you that it's worth putting everything on the line for an education.

25 TV Couples That Never Should Have Happened

Some TV couples are more of a mistake than anything else; they didn't work or are in desperate need of a breakup. What couple do you think shouldn't have been explored?

How 17 Jewish TV Characters Might Spend the High Holidays

How our favorite Jewish characters, past and present, are spending Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur? Check out our educated guesses, and see if you agree!

19 Needless TV Deaths That Made Us Question Everything

Some TV deaths can break our hearts but these ones just left us scratching our heads. Which TV show do you still loathe for pointlessly killing off a character?

17 TV Cliffhangers That Have Kept Us Awake At Night

We all have experienced the mix of frustration and titillation when it comes to TV cliffhangers. Here are those that made us toss and turn at night!

13 Characters We Love Even if We'd Never Hang Out With Them

TV is full of larger-than-life characters who do things to annoy us or inspire us to do bad, bad things. But would we hang out with these people in real life?

21 Characters Who Work Way Too Hard

All TV characters have busy lives. Then there are those who never stop working. We are recognizing 21 characters who are in serious need of a vacation.

23 Spy Shows to Satisfy Your Espionage Addiction

While James Bond may be the king of the espionage world, there are many spies on the small screen whose stories are just as compelling. Here are 23!

31 of the Finest Gentlemen on Television

There are plenty of hot men on television, but it's the true gents that really set our souls on fire. Here are 37 men we think fit the bill.

Fall 2018 Premiere Dates: Set Your DVR!

Fall TV is almost upon us, and we've rounded up which shows are coming your way, and more importantly when you can actually watch them. Read on!

13 Thrilling Foreign Language Shows Everyone Should Be Watching

Many shows fly under people's radar because their original language wasn't English. Here is a list of our 13 favorites that are worth busting out the subtitles for.

25 Fictional Kardashian Crushers: We'd Watch These Reality Shows Right Now!

From melodramatic people to those with a wild sense of humor, many TV characters are unique enough to deserve their own reality TV show. Learn about 25 of our favorites!