Two and a Half Men Review: Honesty Isn't the Best Policy

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Despite the controversy surrounding Two and a Half Men (thanks, Angus T. Jones!) the actors and people involved in the production of this CBS sitcom turned out a decent episode in "I Scream When I Pee."

The outing brought back one of my favorite characters, Kandi. I was very happy to see her return, especially because she's won a People's Choice Award since her last appearance. Impressive!

She returned Malibu and was looking to get back with Alan. And she thought it will be easy, too, but who would have believed Alan would refuse to sleep with her?!? Way to be loyal to Lyndsey, man.

Alan's Unexpected News

Although Alan resisted her advances, it was not enough to assuage Lyndsey’s doubt. I don't blame her, either, even Alan could barely believe his actions himself. Like I've said the past few weeks, it's apparent that the writers are now trying to portray Alan as a very more likable person.

Moving on, it was nice to get some screen time for our favorite housekeeper. Berta had some of the funniest lines, which you can enjoy in our Two and a Half Men quotes section. Let's face it: high Berta is funny Berta.

It's been a very long time since we've seen her family, but that little moment they shared, while they were both stoned, just goes to show Walden has a very big heart. It's nice that Walden decided to get her car; I just wonder what Alan will request for on his birthday.

You know how people say “Honesty is the best policy?" Well, people lied. It may sound all well and good, but Walden astutely asked tonight: “Why do bad things happen to good people?”

So, to round out the episode, there was a huge surprise: Despite Alan being a loyal guy, he still got the short end of the stick, as Kandi and Lyndsey wound up in bed together. No, really!

What did you think of this twist?

I Scream When I Pee Review

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Two and a Half Men Season 10 Episode 9 Quotes

Walden: I love you Berta.
Berta: You are one sentimental little taco.

Alan: My ex-wife tried to seduce me.
Lyndsey: Judith flirted with you?
Alan: Oh God no!!
Lyndsey: The beautiful one?