Charlie and Eddie Van Halen

Charlie learns from Eddie Van Halen, in a fantastic cameo, that the artist always brings a guitar into the bathroom in case he gets inspired. What's not explained is how his electric guitar produced such an awesome riff without an amp.

Charlie and Friend Help Mia

Charlie and his studio friend, played by MadTV alumn Will Sasso, help Mia and her absolutely horrible voice record an album. Hey, anything to get in a woman's pants.

Chelsea Meets Mia

Out with the old, in the with the new, as Charlie introduces his new fiancee, Chelsea, to his old, Mia.

Charlie Helps Mia Sing

Charlie tries to help his ex-fiancee, Mia, start her singing career by lending his piano and musical contacts to her. Don't worry, Chelsea approves.

Two and a Half Men Season 7 Episode 1 Quotes

Alan: You plan on kicking me out when mom dies?
Charlie: You plan on being here when mom dies?

Jake [about his sister]: So far she eats, she poops and she sleeps. I'm not impressed
Berta: Give her a bad hair cut and she'd be you
Jake: Excuse you, I paid $9 for this haircut
Berta: Sorry