Laverne: Carla, your brother called.
Carla: Oh, cool.
J.D.: I didn't know you had a brother.
Carla: That's my pet-name for Turk - you know, 'cause he's mine and he's a black man: "My bruthah."
J.D.: That is adorable. Do you think he'd mind if I call him that, too?
Carla: J.D., I was kidding.
J.D.: I know. I'm still gonna ask

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J.D., Carla Espinosa, Laverne Roberts
Scrubs Season 2 Episode 4: "My Big Mouth"
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Scrubs Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Dr. Wen: Christopher!
Turk: Sorry, sir. I just can't believe Kelso chose me.
Dr. Wen: Yeah, me neither. I told him to take Bonnie.
Turk: So, then, why did he pick me?
Dr. Wen: Among all the surgery residents, what's the difference between you, Bonnie, Todd, Steve, Eric, and V.J.?
Turk: First of all, she's a-
Dr. Wen: There it is.
Turk: Wait, because she's-?
Dr. Wen: Yep.
Turk: She?
Dr. Wen: Exactly.
Turk: Huh? It's because she's a woman... Damn!

Turk: Dr. Kelso, can I bother you for a second?
Dr. Kelso: Based on history, I'd say yes.
Turk: I know for a fact that Dr. Wen recommended Bonnie.
Dr. Kelso: Dr. Turk, I chose you over that nice young lady because we're going to be moving around a lot, and I can't be pulling over every two minutes for pee-pee stops and those nylons that come in plastic eggs!
Turk: Dr. Kelso, don't you think that's a little sexist?
Dr. Kelso: I don't know, sport? Is it sexist to hold the door for a woman? Is it sexist to keep the pretty nurses and unload a few uggos? The rules have changed so much, I just can't keep up. Tell you what: Let's stop jiggling each other's marbles. Why don't you decide who should go; that way, when you choose yourself, I won't have to deal with all this horrible guilt