Ziva: Looks like a symbol. But of what?
Abby: That could be all night finding that answer. You in?
Ziva: I'm sorry. Busy.
Abby: Right. "Stuff". I'll draft McGee.

Abby: This is nice, Ziva. It's been too long since we got to hang out.
Ziva: Yeah. I know. I'm sorry, I've just been, uh, busy lately.
Abby: Yes you have. Doing what?
Ziva: You know. Just....stuff.

Abby: Is that broken?
Tony: No Mrs. Mulwray, but I damned near lost my nose. I like breathing through it.
Abby: Mrs. Mulwray
Tony: Faye Dunaway and of course Mr. Jack.
Ziva: Yeah, I know. Chinatown.

I knew that guy was trouble. He's like an evil McGee.

Abby: Ziva is loyal to a fault.
Parsons: No doubt. "To a fault" is exactly how I'd put it.

Abby: Why didn't we do more to stop Parsons' investigation? Like a sit-in....or a hunger strike?
Palmer: I'm no good at hunger strikes. I get really light-headed at around four o'clock if I don't have a snack.

Gibbs: Can you beam this up to McGee?
Abby: Well I can't beam it Captain Kirk, but I can send it up, sure.
Gibbs: Captain who?

Gibbs: You got something for me, Abs?
Abby: She came down here an hour ago, asking to look at Petty Officer Well's computer. She was all "please" and all "thank you". She brought me this.
Gibbs: She's just trying to be nice.
Abby: I know. It's freaking me out, man.

Abby: It's sage, McGee. I'm purifying my sanctuary of the negative karma left by the Halloween prankster.
McGee: Don't you think you're going a little overboard? I mean I don't like it when Tony touches my stuff either, but I just use bleach.

Abby: I'm still stuck on the fact that you can draw. I mean this isn't Kate good but it's good good.
Bishop: Who's Kate?
Abby: That would take a few hours and a whole box of tissues.

Life isn't always perfect, you know? But sometimes things would work out for the best if you just had faith.

Gibbs: No costume this year?
Abby: After last year's Jonas Brothers debacle, Vance banned costumes. McGee? Skinny jeans? Didn't work.

NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?