The camera loves me Robin - more than loves me the camera lusts me. The camera wants to put on some nice lingerie, pop in an Al Green CD, dim the lights, and do me as I lie there with my eyes closed.

It is physically impossible for me to take a bad picture - I don't know why, just ask God.

I've always looked drop dead stone cold amazing - unlike Marshall who always looked dead, stoned, and cold.

Well, you're in luck because mine's the tiniest, and the more you touch it, the softer it gets.

At least when I run out on a girl, I have the decency to sleep with her first. It's called manners.

Wow! I knew I would be bad at being a boyfriend, but I didn't know I'd be such a bad ex-boyfriend.

Ted: I'm talking about a super date.
Barney: That sounds gooey and romantic -
Ted: Yeah -
Barney: Strip Club?
Ted: Strip Club!

Barney: Oh no, I am not going to give it up, she is. Thanks to Ted's book -
Ted: It's Robins, it's Robins.
Barney: I'm going to stay two steps ahead of her - there's a loop hole in here and I'm going to find it.

So now, phrama girls are the hottest profession.

I'm in the upright and locked position.

Hang on to this girl Ted - hang on and never let go.

Yes you can borrow my tea cup pig.