Bender: So I have to hide forever?
Detective: No, just until the robot mafia finds and kills you. They're pretty good at that.

Bender: Hey Sexy, I'm Bender. What brings you to this tacky soiree?
Bride: I'm the bride!

In order to fix your leaky roof I'll need to spend two or three hours down here in the wine cellar.

Bender: So where are we going?
Professor: Pandora.
Leela: That dangerous 3D planet? Can't we just send our avatars?
Professor: No, it's cheaper just to have you die.

Run for your life Fry! Move your ham flaps!

Devil Bot: Fry's dead you say? Funny, that's not what it says on his Wikipedia page!
Bender: Survived the heart attack?! Damn you Obamacare!

Fry: A robot ghost? What robot would want to haunt me?
Bender: Me dumbass!

Well, that was dumb.

Professor: In a matter of hours there will be no more fresh water on Earth.
Bender: Oh no, what will I mix with my scotch?

Oh God, shield your eyes it's like Edward James Olmos on IMAX!

I hope that's vanishing cream because that needs to go away!

Bender: They're 60% scale replicas of me, Bender!
Leela: Does that mean they only do 60% of the work you do? Or that they actually do more work because they're only 60% as lazy?

Futurama Quotes

Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.


Amy: Is it possible to get everyone back to normal using four or more bodies?
Professor: I'm not sure. I'm afraid we need to use... math!