Mitchell: Why don't we put Lily in one of Alex's shirts for the picture tonight?
Cam: She'll see right through that.
Mitchell: No you're thinking of Haley's shirts.

Half our guests are gay; we're finally giving them a good memory on a school bus.

After the earthquake, it might be nice to be around similarly dressed people.

Mitchell: This is my second favorite suit of yours.
Cam: Second?
Mitchell: Right after your birthday suit.
Cam: Hey! Cut it out, I'm practically a married man.

Mitchell: Aren't you going to change into a working man's outfit?
Cameron: I don't think workmen really call them outfits.

Calm down, you know I grew up around many animals. One time a rooster attacked me and my mom rung its neck and we had it for dinner.

I have an uncle that can only wear bell-bottoms. Hand to God.

This is a coup. When you get in with Jasper, doors open. He's a legacy at Happy Time Preschool.

You are living in a little girl's toy and you have to move out!

Cam [to Barry]

Cam: Oh my God! It feels like we have one mind and one heart.
Mitchell: And one chair.

Did you get a peck from a pickled Pepper?

It's ten feet long with boxer shorts on the end, it works on so many levels.

Modern Family Quotes

You could pretend to get sick at the table. You know cough, stomachache, dealer's choice, I don't care just sell it.


Thank you Uncle Manny!
