Well, I have to go have a really uncomfortable conversation with Callie now.

If you continue to whine about how you can't decide which groundbreaking medical advancement to put your name on, I'll punch you in the ear.

Cristina: It's Sophie's choice.
Meredith: It's Sophie's choice?
Lexie: I've never seen that movie.
Cristina: Well, you should. It's really funny.

You're the one who needs to keep his mouth shut, cabbage patch.

Careful when you go in there Mer. Tangle with one Hell's Angel, you tangle with the whole gang.

(looking at pager) Oh, tiny baby heart time.

Cristina: There's no way she's twenty. She's gotta be like 26, 27.
Lexie: I'm 27.
Cristina: Oh. Gross.

Cristina: Meredith has two ground-breaking medical projects and I don't have any.
Owen: You have a husband that loves you.
Cristina: So does she.
Owen: Well, then I guess you're screwed.

Believe it or not, not everything I do is about competition.

Don't give up on yourself. Let us help you.

Some of us don't need to practice.

Ok, you think peeing is exhausting. Wait 'til you have a muling, poo-covered infant hanging off of your boobs 24-7.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
