Callie: Oh, I'm sorry. I was just looking for Bailey. It's after 6.
Bailey: Yes, she scheduled an intervention so that we could give O'Malley a piece of our minds about this idiotic army business. Did he leave already?
Richard: He never scrubbed in. He told me he was enlisting. I sent him home, and told him to spend the day with his Mom since he was leaving so soon. He took off this morning.

Cristina: (walks up to owen and kisses him) Yes. Yes! I've gotta go, I've gotta find Alex.
Owen: Go. Go.

Cristina: Gotta do an EKG.
Izzie: What, I don't even get any small talk?
Cristina: What's your problem?
Izzie: Well, I'll tell you. I know I'm supposed to be grateful for my "new lease on life". Alex marched in here and basically told me that being married to me was the worst thing that ever happened to him. Yeah, and that he was trying to decide whether smothering me with a pillow was the best way of putting us both out of our misery.
Cristina: (looks around) Ok, where is it?
Izzie: Where's what?
Cristina: Where's the note that says that. Did you write that down.
Izzie: No. No!

Owen: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't... I didn't know you were here.
Cristina: No. Wait, wait. I... love... you.
Owen: I... I love you too
Cristina: No. Just... I love... you. I said... I said I love you! Me. Cristina Yang. What...You traumatized me.
Owen: You know that I am... I'm so sorry about that.
Cristina: Damn it. No, not about the choking. It's like you come here, and you pull our my icicle, and you make me love you, and I can't... I don't want to. I can't breathe... without you.
Owen: You can do this Cristina. We can do this. All you have to do is just meet me half way. All you have to do is say yes. All you have to do is say yes.

Meredith: How's she doing? Any better?
Cristina: No.
Meredith: Damn. Well, I'm going to city hall to go do the thing.
Cristina: Seriously? It doesn't seem like the day for it.
Meredith: Look at Alex. He's in there working so hard every day, and she doesn't know. And, if she stays like this she may never know how much he loves her. And that girl Amanda, she's in there loving a stranger. She thinks that's her prince charming. I mean, he's probably gonna die today. Chances are. So yeah, I'm gonna go get married, because I think it's important to take the time to tell the people you love how much you love them while they can hear you. I love you Cristina Yang. (smiles)
Cristina: You have changed.
Meredith: Mmmm... Maybe I have. What?
Cristina: I'm gonna hug you.

Cristina: She just had brain surgery, and an incredibly aggressive course of IL2. She needs rest.
Alex: She needs to exercise whatever memory she's got left before it all turns to mush.
Cristina: Well, she's not gonna heal with you barking orders at her like a cave man.
Alex: Butt out Yang.
Cristina: You know what, she's my patient. I don't care if you're her husband.
Alex: Look, she...
Cristina: You wanna see how fast I can get your visiting hours don't to zero?
Alex: She signed a DNR. She signed a frickin DNR and made me promise she'd come out of this with a life. Not in a hospital bed, not with no brain. I had to promise she'd have a life. You wanna know what happens if she can't make any new memories? Forget about being a doctor. She's gonna need round the clock baby sitters. We get an apartment together, she can't even find a way to the damn toilet. Tracker on her ankle incase, god forbid, she wanders out the front door!
Cristina: Alex, you can handle this. She will get better.
Alex: Maybe. Maybe not. It's on me. Her future is on me.

Izzie: (reads) Shepherd got your whole tumor. Oh my god, Alex, why didn't you tell me. Oh my god (alex points to "Your memory sucks!" ) Oh.
Alex: But, we're working on it. You remember what time you woke up this morning?
Izzie: Um, not exactly.
Alex; 7:45
Izzie: 7:45. O'Malley joined the army. What!
Alex: Yeah he's gonna be a trauma surgeon in Iraq. What time did you wake up?
Izzie: 7:45. He's gonna get killed.
Alex: Yeah, we're dealing with it.
Izzie: Did you know about this George thing?
Cristina: Yep, can and fodder. I'm just gonna take some more blood.
Alex: Last time we checked your potassium was 6.3. When did you wake up?
Izzie: Um, I'm... really I can't quite remember.
Alex: 7:45. 6.3. 7:45
Izzie: O'Malley joined the army? George?
Alex: We're dealing with it. What's your potassium?
Izzie: I...
Alex: Iz, what's your potassium?
Cristina: You know what, why don't we just give her the chart to read and try to memorize. Ok, I can talk to you about her hypokalemia.

Cristina: Are you gonna chew?
Meredith: Mmmm... my dragged under the bus guy's in angio. They're gonna page me any minute. How's Izzie? Is she retaining anything?
Alex: No.
Bailey: Ok, at 6pm your idiotic colleague George O'Malley will finish his surgery with the Chief.
Callie: And, at 6pm you will be standing beside us in the OR hallway, prepared to join in an intervention.
Bailey: What polite company might like to call an intervention. Though, I'm not sure interventions involve whooping people on the behind. With a belt.
Alex: What, he's got a drinking problem now?
Meredith: He joined the army.
Cristina: What?
Alex: 007? He can't go to the army. He's the guy that gets killed.
Cristina: He's the guy that gets killed cleaning his own gun
Bailey: Grey, is going to coax him back as a loving friend. (to Cristina) You are going to use logic, and reason to point out the idiocy of his ways. Stevens will make sad cancer eyes. And, if all of that doesn't work, Karev, you're gonna pull out your... I was raised out back with the trash cans roots, and just beat the crap out of him.
Alex: 6 o'clock.
Callie: 6'o'clock.

Izzie: Did you get the whole thing? Did you get the whole tumor out?
Derek: Just let me finish my exam. Can you tell me your name?
Izzie: My name is Isobel Stevens, it's 2009, and I'm in the neuro ICU at Seattle Grace hospital. Did you get the damn thing out?
Derek: Go the whole damn thing.
Izzie: Oh, you got it?
Derek: Yeah.
Izzie: Oh god, you go the whole thing. And I can talk, and I know my name, and I'm not a turnip.
Alex: Nope.
Izzie: No offense.
Derek: No.
Izzie: You are a great surgeon, but I really thought I was gonna be a turnip. This is so unbelievably great.
Cristina: Your kidneys are a little sluggish, so we're just gonna keep and eye on your electrolytes for a few hours. Your post op CRIT was fine.
Izzie: Ok, good. Good. How did the surgery go? Did you get the brain tumor? Did you get it out?
Alex: Iz, you just asked him that. We just talked about it.
Derek: No, no it's ok. She's gonna be foggy for a while. The tumor's out. There was a little bleeding during the post.
Izzie: You got it?
Derek: Yeah.
Izzie: All of it?
Derek: Mhmmm.
Izzie: That's amazing. Derek Shepherd, you are a hero. And I know that that's Derek Shepherd, and you're Alex, and you should kiss me. Alex, I don't have a brain tumor. I'm tumor free.
Alex: Yes you are.
Izzie: What's wrong? Why do you look weird?
Cristina: Oh, nothing. Nothing. Your kidneys are a little slow, we're just gonna watch them.
Izzie: Ok, so you'll just re-check my electrolytes in an hour?
Cristina: Mhmmm.
Izzie: Ok... How did the surgery go? Did you get the tumor?
Derek: We did. Tumors gone. There was a little bit of bleeding, but we took care of that.
Izzie: You got it?
Derek: Mhmmm.
Izzie: Oh my god. And I can talk, and you didn't kill me. What's wrong with you people, we should be celebrating.

Cristina: You know somethings going on with George.
Meredith: What?
Cristina: Owen hugged him. They were happy.
Meredith: Well, we don't hug when we're happy.
Cristina: Are you better?
Meredith: What?
Cristina: You know, with your therapy? Or... whatever. You said you got well. Well, are you... better? Or are you just fake better?
Meredith: What do you mean?
Cristina: I'm asking you if people... you know. I mean, are you actually different? I mean do you feel different?
Meredith: I'm getting married today. (smiles) Mmmm... it's a deal. No muss, no fuss. Just quick and dirty.
Cristina: (dumbfounded) Ah, do you want me to come?
Meredith: No, no. Just letting you know.
Cristina: Oh no, wait. Ah, ok. This is my grocery list. It's old. This (hand Mer blue post it's) this is new. This is my favorite pen, which is why i want it back. Borrowed. And, all of it's blue. So, you're covered.
Meredith: Now, see if we were George and Owen we would hug right now. (Mer looks at Cris, then shakes her head, they both go back to work)

Cristina: Hey, what's with hugging O'Malley?
Owen: I slept. Cristina, last night I slept. For the first time, I slept.
Cristina: And, I dunno... hugging O'Malley because you slept?
Owen: Oh no, I hugged O'Malley 'cause he's got great news which I'll let him tell you. But, yeah, I guess, maybe, yeah I hugged him because I slept. And, that's because of you. Because you came with me to see my Mom, and I slept... and I slept without nightmares. That's not a small thing Cristina. That... that is everything. I can be a better man. I can be a better man for you. I hope, you know if you'll let me. I can be a better man with you. No, don't say anything. Just, think about it ok. Ok. (kisses her)

Bailey: Any changes overnight?
Cristina: No.
Bailey: (pager goes off) Somebody had better go make a coffee run, you all look like hell.
George: I've gotta be in surgery in 10 minutes. Um, Mer, will you let me know?
Meredith: Yeah. We should go too. It's probably gonna be a while.
Alex: Shepherd said she'd wake up in the morning. What did he tell you? Was that all crap? What did he say?
Meredith: He said it may be a while.
Cristina: She's gonna wake up.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
