Cristina: Ah he trained at Northwestern, and then at Harvard. He grew up like, 5 miles away from here. Um, not rich. Not poor. Comfortable. And, well loved by his parents. But um, itching to do something more with his life. Which is when he enlisted at the age of...
Owen: Cristina, this is not a book report.
Cristina: I'm trying to explain to Dr. Wyatt that I know things about you.

Cristina: These are good! Do they sell these in the cafeteria?
Meredith: No.
Izzie: No, those are the cancer pops.
Cristina: Why do cancer people get all the fun?
Meredith: How do you feel Iz?
Izzie: I'm not looking forward to the hurling that's about to happen, but I feel ok. I feel good.
Cristina: Bailey's on some sort of rampage. I think it's Post O'Malley Stress Disorder.
Meredith: She's not dealing with her grief.
Cristina: You sound like Owen's shrink.
Meredith: Owen's shrink is withholding sex, so she is grumpy and inappropriate.
Izzie: Is Derek doing that too? Withholding sex?
Meredith: Why would Derek withhold sex?
Izzie: Alex is withholding everything. It's like he's afraid, but I don't know what afraid of.
Cristina: He's afraid of the cancer sex.
Meredith: Cristina!
Cristina: He doesn't wanna end up with a cancer pop.
Izzie: Just shut the hell up. I'm not contagious Cristina.
Cristina: I know that. I would totally have sex with you.

Bailey: Where do you get off killing my patients Yang?
Cristina: Killing?
Bailey: When you take it upon yourself to talk that girl out of a life saving surgery, you're killing her.
Cristina: I didn't talk her... She had questions about the surgery. You left the room.
Bailey: No, I left the room to give a very fragile, very distraught patient time and space to accept what's being asked of her. Then and only then would I have discussed the possible risks, with I'm certain, more tact and sensitivity than you've ever displayed in all the time that I've known you.
Cristina: She asked...
Bailey: No! I don't care what she asked you, and if she asked you anything else you're only answer will be "Let me ask my Attending."

Owen: It's not gonna be too much longer. Do you want me to quit therapy?
Cristina: No!
Owen: Mhm.
Cristina: Crap!
Owen: Alright, we've gotta go to O'Malley's funeral anyway.
Cristina: No. I hate funerals. Let's skip it. Ah, we can push up ceviches de-bereavement. That's a good excuse.
Owen: Ceviche?
Cristina: Chopped up fish. Propeller accident. Ceviche. It's funny.
Owen: Right. It's sick!
Cristina: That's what makes it funny.
Owen: We're going to the funeral, come on.

Owen: Woah... you are evil. You are the devil!
Cristina: I am, I am the devil.
Owen: Cristina you know the rules.
Cristina: The rules are stupid.
Owen: Are you saying the shrink's stupid?
Cristina: I'm saying she's a prude. She's prudey and misguided.
Owen: She wants us to get to know each other. She wants me to keep getting to know myself. She does not want me burying myself in you. If we start to have sex, I'll bury myself in you.
Cristina: Oh, now whose evil?

Alex: Woah, woah... she wants it out. Can't we take it out?
Cristina: She's breathing over the vent.
Richard: Alright, let's pull out the tube.
Meredith: (appears) Dr. Bailey...

Meredith: You're laughing?
Alex: She's laughing.
Izzie: [laughing] George is dead! He's dead! They're about to put him in the ground and the priest is doing classic rock lyrics! And that girl, that redhead, is crying harder than his mother and she never even met him!
Cristina: You are far more twisted than I ever realized.

Izzie: You got married on a post-it!
Meredith: I got married on a post-it.
Cristina: You guys got married for real!
Izzie: I got cancer!
Alex: O'Malley got hit by a bus!
[all laugh hysterically]

Lexie: [narrating] Grief may be a thing we all have in common, but it looks different on everyone.
Mark: It isn't just death we have to grieve. It's life. It's loss. It's change.
Alex: And when we wonder why it has to suck so much sometimes, has to hurt so bad. The thing we gotta try to remember is that it can turn on a dime.
Izzie: That's how you stay alive. When it hurts so much you can't breathe, that's how you survive.
Derek: By remembering that one day, somehow, impossibly, you won't feel this way. It won't hurt this much.
Bailey: Grief comes in its own time for everyone, in its own way.
Owen: So the best we can do, the best anyone can do, is try for honesty.
Meredith: The really crappy thing, the very worst part of grief is that you can't control it.
Arizona: The best we can do is try to let ourselves feel it when it comes.
Callie: And let it go when we can.
Meredith: The very worst part is that the minute you think you're past it, it starts all over again.
Cristina: And always, every time, it takes your breath away.
Meredith: There are five stages of grief. They look different on all of us, but there are always five.
Alex: Denial.
Derek: Anger.
Bailey: Bargaining.
Lexie: Depression.
Richard: Acceptance.

Richard: What happened?
Bailey: Is it her brain?
Cristina: No, it's hypokalemia.
Alex: We couldn't control the eurythmias.
Cristina: Her pressures dropping off a cliff.
Alex: Get me an intubation tray.
Cristina: Alex. She signed a DNR.
Alex: Shut up Yang!
Cristina: She knew this might happen, that's why she signed it.
Alex: I don't give a crap what she signed.
Cristina: Alex, it's not what she wants.
Alex: (Izzie flatlines) Get a crash cart! (he starts CPR)
Bailey: Karev, if she doesn't...
Alex: Look at her, get a crash cart!
Richard: Oh, screw the DNR. Hand me those paddles.
Bailey: Yang, take over compressions to her back
Cristina: I got it, I got it.
Richard: 1, 2, 3. (they turn her over) Hand down. Ok. Hand down. Charge to 300.

Alex: Izzie look at me. Open your eyes!
Cristina: Page Shepherd. Page the Chief, and Bailey right now!

Cristina: Way to go dipwad, telling your wife you're figuring out how to off her.
Alex: Oh, mind your own bus... Wait... how did you know that?
Cristina: (holding back tears) She told me.
Alex: (walks into Izzie's room) You remember?
Izzie: Pillow or morphine. I got the whole thing.
Alex: Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that.
Izzie: Of course you didn't. You love me too much to shoot me up with morphine, even if you asked me to. And my stupid corked brain is coming back.
Alex: (hugging her tightly) Oh my god, I was so scared. I mean I would have loved you no matter what. You're back. You're back. (Izzie goes limp) Izz? (her heart starts to fail) Iz? Izzie? YANG!

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
