Claire: This is kidnapping
Daniel: You're not blindfolded in the trunk of a car, this is a deluxe suite in the Grand Regent...
Claire: It doesn't even have a park view, I might as well be tied to a chair having my ear sliced off

[Alexis comes barging in during a Mode staff meeting...]
Alexis [screaming]: We have a big problem!
Daniel: Crazy time begins in an hour, we're having a meeting now

Alexis: You can have this magazine, I have a bigger dreams
Daniel: Like what? A uterus?

Nick: I want to be you in five years
Daniel: Buy more expensive ties and sleep with a few models and you're halfway there

Daniel: Do you have any messages for me?
Betty: Yes, Becks called to say congratulations for getting into Tabitha's gift bag. Ew, I just got that.

Betty: We have models coming at 4:00
Daniel: That's nice... girl models, right?

Daniel: Guess what, we got Mariah Carey. Turns out Conner knows her, isn't that great?
Betty: Oh um yea Mariah is alright, but can we just put a pin on her for a second because I think I found someone way fresher: Jesse's band, Dark Sexual Hourney. They're awesome and they are about to break out any minute and you'll love them
Daniel: Ok, great yeah let's just get Mariah on the phone. Hey Mariah, it's Daniel, yeah turns out we aren't going to need you to sing. We got Jesse, the guy from my assistants building. He is so cute, yeah he is just the dreamiest
Betty: I hate when you're sarcastic

Betty: Thank you so much for that donation
Daniel: It is the Mode after party. Plus, I hear the singer of the band is just to die for

Daniel: So you would screw me over just to piss off dad?
Alexis: Yep
Daniel: You have a cold heart Alexis
Alexis: Had it installed with the other upgrades

Daniel: Why don't we play a game? Use our minds? Look, chess, perfect!
[Daniel opens the chess box and there's condoms inside]
Daniel: These are..
Model: Look condoms, I'm good at that game!

Daniel: Apparently you've got a very thoughtless boss who didn't realize until last night that you deserve a lot more than a crappy trophy.
[Daniel hands Betty an envelope]
Betty: These are tickets.
Daniel: To Mexico. For you, your father, and the rest of your family. All they had was first class. Hope you don't mind.

Daniel: You're not the only one in charge.
Alexis: I'm the only one in charge whose pupils aren't the size of quarters.

Ugly Betty Quotes

You know exactly what [Whilemnia] is up to. Firing, scheming, looking for a puppy to kick.


Betty: Does every spread have to be women in skimpy bras?
Daniel: You're right, I haven't thought of that. Let's lose those bras please.