Wilhelmina: We need to start trusting each other...
Daniel: Trusting you would be a rookie mistake..
Wilhelmina: Touché

[discussing each other's online dating profile]
Daniel: Your ideal day is a picnic in the park with the kids?
Wilhelmina: 6'4?

Daniel: Kill the puppies
Wilhelmina: Did you hear that? Daniel Meade kills puppies
Daniel: Wilhelmina Slater does not support our troops

Daniel: So what brings you back?
Becks: It's fashion week... the Bootylympics

Daniel: How was Africa?
Becks: Totally mind blowing... no hotties to be found... but it's that sick thing, not hot thing

Becks: Okay jokes over, where's your real assistant?
Daniel: Come on, Betty's a great girl
Becks: Yeah after twelve shots

Betty: Now can we discuss this Cheetos tan?
Daniel: What I was supposed to be in Rio for a few weeks
Betty: You look like an Oompa-Loompa

Daniel: Look at you, fashion week. Last week you thought Cavalli was a type of pasta
Betty: Yeah, so did you
Daniel: Well we've both come a long way

[referring to Sofia's book]
Daniel: ...and the part about wearing each others' underwear for the day?
Sofia: I was drunk when I wrote that

Betty: You only have $327 left in your account? But you're a Meade!
Daniel: A poor Meade. I blew through my trust fund like I was Michael Jackson

Betty: What is going on over there?
Daniel: The tree i ordered just arrive
Betty: What?
Daniel: Christmas tree for your family
Betty: Why did you order us a tree?
Daniel: Well i threw up in four rooms in your house, it's the least I could do

Wait did you say Sofia? My Sofia? What is "Hunter the Chin" there too?

Ugly Betty Quotes

You know exactly what [Whilemnia] is up to. Firing, scheming, looking for a puppy to kick.


Betty: Does every spread have to be women in skimpy bras?
Daniel: You're right, I haven't thought of that. Let's lose those bras please.