Professor: How did you know that?
Zoidberg: My doctorate is in art history.

I remembered you liked superheroes, so I painted a mural on your wall. This is Father-Man. He fights crime to earn Son-Boy's respect. Is it working?

A floor? We live like Kings!

Hooray! A happy ending for the rich people!

What's that loud boring sound you'll hear as soon as I stop talking?

Farnsworth: Now I'll simply tune it to Leela's emotional frequency.
Bender: My God! I'm overcome with... feelings. I'm experiencing a powerful yearning to... to cram my gullet full of mackerel heads.
Zoidberg: That's me, baby!
Farnsworth: Hmm.
Bender: Now I'm worried that I'm not as smart as Leela, but at the same time I feel relieved that I'm cuter than her.
Amy: Uh... that's me.
Fry: Thanks for covering.
Bender: This time I miss Nibbler and I'm feeling nosy and opinionated.
Amy: Bingo!
Hermes: That's Leela!

Amy: Hey, look at Nibbler!
Hermes: Aww, he's holding a spoon.
Zoidberg: He's so talented!

Bender: Hey! I got a busted ass here, I don't see anyone kissing it.
Zoidberg: Alright, I'm coming.

Sure, humans are cute, but how else are we supposed to test cosmetics?

Zoidberg: You know, Fry, you could join a third party, maybe.
Amy: Only weirdos and mutants join third parties.
Zoidberg: Really? I'd better keep an eye out at the next meeting.

Zoidberg: Amy, this is for you. A set of combs for your beautiful hair.
Amy: Oh, that's so sweet. But I sold my hair to a wigmaker so I could buy a set of combs for Hermes.
Hermes: Oh, the irony. I sold my hair so I could buy this third set of combs for Zoidberg.

Fry: Uh, is there a human doctor around?
Zoidberg: Young lady, I'm an expert on humans.

Futurama Quotes

Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.


Amy: Is it possible to get everyone back to normal using four or more bodies?
Professor: I'm not sure. I'm afraid we need to use... math!