You pull any crap with her and you'll answer to me. You can lock your doors but I live right next to you, Tom. I'll just jump on the roof and come down your damn chimney. I won't be bring any presents. Not unless you've been saving for the heel of my boot.

Jules: I cannot wait for this bathroom to be done. In fact, put it in your calenders because I'm going to have a bathroom warming party.
Grayson: Can I bring Sarah to what sounds like the worst party ever?

Jules: Is it going to kill the mood if I go brush my teeth and shave my legs?
Grayson: Yeah.
Jules: Oh okay fine.

Grayson: And our friendship means a lot to me. I don't want to mess that up.
Jules: I don't either. Maybe this should just be a one time deal?
Grayson: Or we could be friends with benefits.
Jules: Oh you snuck that one in at the end didn't ya? Friends with benefits - the old FWB. That is the greatest male myth of our time. That and our knees being erogenous zones.
Grayson: It is.
Jules: It's not. It's a knee. Do you want to know why FWB never works?
Grayson: No
Jules: We're friends - it can't be casual. Friend sex comes with feelings and baggage and someone always gets hurt. It's a horrible idea.

Two for two!

It feels like you are putting out a real relationshipy vibe.

Jules: You work that hoes b**ch.
Grayson: You're weird Jules.
Jules: Weird like a fox.

Jules: Hey - why'd you do that?
Grayson: Why not?

Jules: You suck at musical beers.
Grayson: This is my bar damn it.

Worst liar ever.

Whatever makes you happy?

Grayson: Thanks Doc! Hottest doctor I've seen by the way.
Bonnie: Inappropriate.

Cougar Town Quotes

Jules: You see that young gentleman there, I'd love to lick his body
Woman: That's my son
Jules: Ooh, he looks smart

Jules: When a 40-something guy gets divorced, it's always: "Way to go, Tiger!"
Grayson: We don't call each other Tiger. It's always Champ, or Samurai.