Haley: This is just like last year when you wouldn't take off those skinny jeans.
Alex: Woudn't or couldn't?
Phil: Hey I looked hot!

Haley: I'm kind hungry mom.
Phil: Oh my god she's back!

Dede: I don't know what just happened.
Dylan: I do. I mean it seems pretty simple to me. You're reaching out, trying to hold onto something awesome.
Haley: Um maybe, maybe you shouldn't.
Dylan: Look, look, look, I'm not used to this, the whole "big family" thing. In my house, we don't even talk to each other. You know it's funny, the first time I saw Haley, I knew I liked her. I mean she's beautiful and everything, but it's it's not just that. She's got this killer confidence. You know, the kind of confidence that you get from having a family like this, that's passionate and accepting of hot foreigners, and gay dudes, and nutty people. You know, a family that actually loves each other

No way, she plays Lacrosse and plays the cello. Even my reputation can't take that dork hit.


There's this really cute boy at school and he kind of likes my feet.


They called a family meeting when they switched to one percent milk.


I need her name and address so I can mess her up!


Alex: Haley, found your jacket.

She promised she wouldn't tell Dad until after I left for college, which means that he may never have found out.

Haley [to Alex]

Haley: Dad, gross, your hand smells like cheese.
Phil: I didn't want to dirty a knife.

Haley: Dad, that was a stop sign.
Phil: I'll stop twice on the way back.

Claire: You're grounded for four weeks!
Haley: Why don't you just double it and make it 10?
Alex: Do you not see how much you need to study?!?

Modern Family Quotes

You could pretend to get sick at the table. You know cough, stomachache, dealer's choice, I don't care just sell it.


Thank you Uncle Manny!
