Marshall: Game on! If I can score five numbers before you can, then we have sex in the bathroom but, if you can score five numbers before me, then we have sex in the bathroom.
Lily: So our usual wager. Deal!

Marshall and I have been together for fifteen years and the only debate about Tommy Boy we've ever had, is whether it's awesome or super awesome. That's love bitch!

Lily: Scooby, we're in our thirties, we don't smoke sandwiches anymore.
Ted: Sandwich brownies?
Lily: OK!

Lily: Ooo Barney's got feelings for a girl.
Barney: Yeah, penis feelings!

Marshall: I don't care if the dishes are done, if you care, you do it!
Lily: Well I don't care if you have an orgasms, if you care, you do it!

Sex now, we'll do the foreplay after.

Lily: You should work at a carnival.
Barney: I tried; they're pretty strict with backgrounds.

Lily: We hate Ted now. Get on board or the sexting stops!
Marshall: Ted's a son of a bitch!

Robin: All that stuff is really nice.
Lily: Yeah it's positive racism.

He's going to masturbate!

This is bad news; this is like a black cat walked through my uterus.

There's an alien growing in my stomach that is going to explode out of my vagina!