Marshall: Are you sure you did it right?
Lily: Is there a wrong way to pee on a stick?

Lily: Whenever we're alone you spend the entire time undressing me with your eyes, you even take off my shoes.
Barney: High heels chafe my shoulders.

Robin: Right, Marsh Madness?
Marshall: No doubt, Robo Cop.
Lily: You two never hang out alone. You just made up those names right now.

Lily: And the most important rule of all...
Barney: Lubricant is public property.

Lily: Anytime a single guy hangs out with a married woman there are rules that must be followed. Rule number one...
Barney: Don't use the husband's condoms, that's just rude.

Lily: It's a booma-wang.
Robin: Nice,
Lily: Thanks.
Robin: No I meant the wang.

Ted: Lily you're a psychopath.
Lily: Lil' bit... ohh a Panda.

Whoa baby you're packing snow balls and you breathe smells like a mermaid's fart.

Marshall: I can't do this. I can't stop thinking about you and Robin.
Lily: Oh I've had that a few times. just lean into it and let it fuel things.

They bonded over hockey, I guess he has a small penis, they want to double date next weekend.

Where's the poop Robin?

Lily: I could totally let you down. Has that thought not occurred to you?
Marshall: Not even for one second. Not having a baby would suck, but the idea of you letting me down, that's impossible. That would be like aliens landing. That's a bad example.