Megan: I had to go on a date just so people wouldn't think I was a lesbian..
Marco: I could see that...
Megan: I know I would make such a great lesbian.. but sadly I'm straight

A kiss on the beach doesn't mean they're registered at Tiffany's

Marco: Go on just pretend like we're not even here
Megan: I'm not talking to myself. I'm just practicing a conversation I'm going to have with a real person a later date. Totally different.

Sage: I so would have rocked my mug shot...
Marco: I'm sure there will be plenty more opportunities

Megan: Aren't you coming with me?
Marco: Oh yes, I just love unnecessary encounters with law enforcement officers... you're on your own sledge sister..

I hate seeing people's just one of my things...and wrists.. I hate looking at people's wrists...

Marco: Have a cup of my coffee and you'll be feeling good as new..
Megan: No offense person I don't know, but i just got tazed.
[takes a sip]
Megan: That's not coffee, that's something god made!

Privileged Quotes

Boss [about Megan's hair]: It's just so bright
Megan: Everyone loves Lucille Ball but no one does anything about it.
Boss: This isn't about the hair, though it is really distracting...

Hey lady, i can see your va-jay-jay!

Random kid