Oh sure, Leela's fine but my Jaundice has progressed to Muppet Gangrene. It's not easy being gangrenous.

Bender: So anybody hungry?
Fry: I could stuff myself.
Leela: I'll use that free app that tells you what restaraunts are nere.
Fry: You mean the window?
Leela: Yes.

I'm scaroused.

Leggo my Eggo Crabbo!

Fry: Look I know he's ugly and kind of corrosive, but we can't murder someone just because he's hideous and annoying.
Amy: That's what we said about Zoidberg and look where that got us.
Zoidberg: Amy has a point.

Amy: It's so huge. How big does one of those things get?
Fry: Well, that depends on what one of those things is. That seems like a fact worth knowing.

It's a spaceship graveyard. Why did we have to come here at night?

Fry: Guess I better head over to my night job.
Leela: You have a night job?
Fry: Yep, it's exhausting but I need the extra money to buy coffee to stay awake for my night job.

Where are we? Also, when are we?

Bender bent a poo penny! Bender bent a poo penny!

Professor: Who likes good news?
[Everyone raises their hands.]
Professor: Everyone? Then good news everyone! Our next delivery isn't to some dangerous outer space planet it's to Earth.
Fry: Earth is dangerous. I fell off my chair their once.

Fry: Executive?
Conrad: It's a meaningless title, but it makes insecure people feel better about themselves.
Fry: I feel better about myself!

Futurama Quotes

Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.


Amy: Is it possible to get everyone back to normal using four or more bodies?
Professor: I'm not sure. I'm afraid we need to use... math!