Katie Couric: You beat out the following losers: the economy, Mel Gibson, Dina Lohan... and Sparky Lohan, who is Dina Lohan's dog and, apparently, also a loser. How do you deal with that?
Sue: I've been drinking a lot of bleach.

No time for a fourtime, ladies. The bus leaves in five.

You don't go in that canon and this routine will be all boom, boom and no pow. And that, Brittany, is so 2008 and... late.

Brittany, here's a note for you. Hand-written and in crayon. From the human canon, saying how much it misses you.

Sue: This level of risk and danger makes me feel alive again.
Figgins: But the risk and danger isn't to you.
Sue: That's the best part.

I try to make a habit of not touching carnie folk. But, fella, I'll take it.

Brittany, please remind me how I single-handedly put cheerleading on the map.

Will: I thought you hated the holidays.
Sue: No, I just hate you.

I thought you might wanna put all of out of our misery and shave off that Chia Pet.

Will: How did you get in here?
Sue: I had a key made ages ago.

For me, the real joy of Christmas was breaking the collective heart of the glee club.

William, Elmo, you. Get the hell out of my office.

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
