Turk: How 'bout this one?
J.D.: You want to get a clear shower curtain? Why don't I just nude up in the living room and you can spray me down with a hose.
Turk: Dude, if you're gonna be that self-conscious, I could always doodle in chest hairs right about where you'd stand.
J.D.: I have a chest hair... I named him Clancy.

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J.D., Turk
Scrubs Season 2 Episode 6: "My Big Brother"
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J.D. Quotes, Turk Quotes, Scrubs Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes, Scrubs Quotes
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Scrubs Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

J.D.: Look, I know you, okay. I know the reason you wanted to pretend you're a doctor yesterday is 'cause you hate working in that bar and you wanted to feel like somebody for once. Come on, man, you're not-you're not driving that car across the country for the three hundred dollars - you're doing it 'cause you like the way you feel when you drive it. And the funny thing is, you could be that guy, but you're afraid that if-if you actually have to try at something you might fail, and that's just not a chance you're willing to take.
Dan: What can I say? It's been a real pleasure seeing you.

Turk: Dude, that girl in the wolf outfit is totally checking you out!
J.D.: I'd let her to blow my house down, you know what I'm sayin'!