I wanted it to be a person. Some super powered psychopath. Someone I could hurt. Someone I could punish. That I could do. What I can't do is protect you guys from stuff I can't even see or understand.


Skye: Usually one person doesn't solve the solution, but 100 people with 1% of the solution that will get it done. I think thats beautiful, pieces solving a puzzle.
Ward: You and I see the world differently.

You can't walk away from this. With great power comes.... a ton of weird crap you are not prepared to deal with.


Coulson: Have you seen Skye?
Ward: Not since weapons training.
Coulson: She stop saying bang when she pulls the trigger?
Ward: Mostly. Now if she can just learn the difference between the safety release and the magazine release, we will be making real progress.

Ward: So Director Fury faked your death to motivate the Avengers?
Hill: The death of a comrade is a particularly effective motivator.
Coulson: It wasn't that big of stretch, I stopped breathing for 40 seconds
Hill: That time gets longer each time you tell it.
Coulson: You get shanked by the Asgardian Mussolini and you can tell it your way.

Coulson: I can’t think of a single time when anything alien in human hands ended well.
Skye: Wouldn't mind getting my human hands on Thor. He’s so dreamy.
Coulson: Sure he’s handsome but
May: No he’s dreamy.

Melinda: You can't save someone from themselves, sir.
Coulson: You can if you get to them early enough [looks at Skye].

You should know, I'm not a fan of being poked.


Coulson: What is it with the flowers?
Raina: Who doesn't like flowers? I'm glad you noticed.

We don't want to hurt you Chin. I'm sorry, but we have too.


Agent Ward and I been having sex.


Trust me, I'll have a major freak out later.


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Quotes

Kasius: Yo-Yo Rodriguez? How peculiar.
Yo-Yo: Says the space mime!

Sousa: Hey, what are you doing up?
Daisy: Why do you care?
Sousa: Because you don't.