When does actual communication become actual arrests?


Just for the record, I expect you to go totally postal like this one day.


Be Liz, be proud.


You got that performance anxiety!

Travis [to Wes]

Wes: It's like whack-a-mole......
Travis: Whack-a-mole. Got it.

Stop counting.

Wes [to Travis]

When I find a horse that I want to ride, then I will....I don't want to finish.


I'm the one teaching lessons here. Tomorrow, school is back in session, baby.


Travis: We don't do the learning.
Wes: That's kind of an unwritten rule in our thing.

Yeah, that's right. I just broke a glass for no apparent reason!


Damn, you go girl.

Travis [about Wes]

Wes: I see what you did there. You laid a little trap for me.
Travis: You keep lobbin' 'em up and I keep shootin' 'em home.

Common Law Quotes

If he takes care of you the way he takes care of that car, then you're one lucky lady.

Mechanic [about Wes]

Travis: We hate people who don't help people when they ask for directions.
Wes: We also hate gun runners.