Wes: You can take the joy out of anything.
Travis: Thank you.

Wes: You know you can report him for sexual harassment?
Travis: Thanks for your support.

Travis: Trudy is OG.
Wes: What's that mean? Old and Grimey?

Dan: Stay ready.
Travis: So you don't have to get ready.

I am the decider now, I get to decide this case and this is how it is now.


You will just have to learn to shoot with your left hand.


She's OG, brother. OG.


Trust your instincts.

Dr. Ryan

Who signs a text message?


Let's have a drink and talk about it while the suspect escapes.


No, he just carries his dog around like a man purse.


No, that's just a default state.


Common Law Quotes

If he takes care of you the way he takes care of that car, then you're one lucky lady.

Mechanic [about Wes]

Travis: We hate people who don't help people when they ask for directions.
Wes: We also hate gun runners.