Now I'm really getting mad. Why am I the only one he decided to torture?


I was never one to hold a grudge, Jeffrey. My father held grudges. I'll always hate him for that.


It's called a Complisult. Part compliment, part insult. He invented them. I coined the term. See what I just did there? That was an explainabrag.


Me and Abed have an agreement. If one of us dies, we stage it to look like a suicide caused by the unjust cancellation of Firefly. We're gonna get that show back on the air buddy!


I don't want to die in a place like this. People shouldn't die in the same place as People magazines do.


Pierce: Britta, you're the selfless one in the group, right?
Britta: Wouldn't know, haven't thought about myself in years.

Britta: Do you know what Dylan Thomas said about death?
Pierce: No, tell me.
Britta: Ok, bluff called.

Nurse: Mr. Hawthorne is requesting Sour Face.
Pierce: Is that you death?
Britta: No it's me, Britta.

Since in my absence you'll be the new black sheep - I'm sorry, that's offensive - black swan, I want you to have this.


My third wish would be for a million wishes, but I'd just use them all on a million signed photos of LeVar Burton.


Nurse: Mr. Hawthorne is ready to commence his bequeathing.
Troy: Haha! Shouldn't you be telling that to an orderly?

Annie: We know there's no point Jeff, we kinda just felt like feeling it.
Shirley: Yeah Jeff, what are you, Abed? Oh - sorry Abed!

Community Season 2 Quotes

Are you being meta?

Shirley [to Abed]

I'm hoping we can move away from the soap-y relationship-y stuff and into bigger, fast-paced, self-contained escapades.
