(to Ellie) One of us! One of us! One of us!

Jules, Andy, Grayson

Smith: Wow! That was like writing a mechanic bull.
Laurie: We should break up more often.

I can be friends with my ex.


Smith's dad: What's with the scream?
Bobby: Helps you focus.

Jules: Some of us over did it at the pre no more alimony party party, so I made these margaritas with crushed up aspirin.
Andy: They should market this to drunks! Or us.

Oh hell no! Smith you are a dead man.


Wooo! How can I do woo wrong?


I can't relate to this dude. He's even to redneck from me and I have a cousin named Grits.


Don't hate the player, hate the game, yo!


Bobby: How do you say R U I N?
Jules: Roin?

Jules: I'm starting a new list. Most boring game?
Ellie: Penny can.

You know why I like to keep these notepads around? Because I like to keep lists.


Cougar Town Season 2 Quotes

Plus, I get to lean on my Gracieship.


Travis: I don't get it how is that a drinking game?
Jules: We drink while we do it.