We watched "Wild Things" once and I was pretty sure we were gonna start jacking off together, but then he dated you and I realized his issues were way more complicated than just him being gay.

Elijah [to Marnie]

Everyone here looks how I'd look with a nose job.


Wowwww, when was the last time an addict lied?


I had a bad breakup. It's okay I think we're gonna be able stay friends you know, but I'm not gonna do what Hannah does and order 6 pizzas to make myself feel better.


I cut her off so she'd have something to write about!

Hannah's mom

That's a semi hard dick with the squirrel skin wrapped around it.


I wouldn't be eating pizza in front of you if I liked you.

Marnie [to Ray]

By the way your Netflix came. Bridget Jones 2, seriously?

Marnie [to Ray]

I'm sorry if I minimized it, I'm just unwilling to accept the idea you have two great a boyfriend.


Adam: The only thing I remember about my grandma is that she had rough skin and spit a lot.
Hannah: My grandma's very neat and she had skin like a kitten's ear.

I should probably wait until he's capable of wiping himself.


I'm sorry I have a boner. It's not for you.

Elijah [to Hannah]

Girls Quotes

Ok I think I got everything, testicles, spectacles, wallet, and watch.


Jessa: It's pot, do you want some?
Shoshanna: Oh no, I'm hyper enough already.