You're so lucky to have Evan. He's like the shirtless greeter at Abercrombie, but romantic.


What's Omega Chi doing for Homecoming? A Jack Johnson sing along?


Heath's a stripper? Hot.


Casey: I'm like the worst detective ever.
Ashley: Oh stop it! Remember Inspector gadget? He needed a dog and a 10-year old girl to solve anything.

What's with the eyewear, Snookie?


I was clinging to this notion of me as a sexy atheist supervillain, but that's not me! I mean, I'm sexy! But I'm not atheist and I'm not a supervillain. I'm Dale Kettlewell.


Fisher: You can't cook! Legwarmers are not gloves. And during Clueless, I literally gagged twice and pretended I had popcorn stuck in my throat.
Casey: That was way harsh, Fisher.

This weekend is all about charm, flattery, and shameless butt-kissing.


Casey: Between Pan-Hellenic, the pledges, my classes, and the house, I have too much on my plate already.
Ashley: Well, why can't you have more than one plate - you can have two plates - maybe a chafing dish.

Friends are fun. I think Plato said that... or Elmo.


Helping is great. I think Elmo said that... or Plato.


Jordan: School's not for everyone.
Rusty: Well it should be.

Greek Quotes

I do not go to the gym five times a week for my health!


But it's not the end of the world. Don't you read the scriptures I leave on your pillow? There will be signs.
