Do it! If you ever wanna see these boobs again, crawl you sonnova me!


Why should bibs only be socially acceptable when you're eating lobster?


Judge 1: Thank you Mr. Eriksen. The panel will take this under advisement.
Marshall: Take your time.
Judge 2: It could be a few months.
Marshall: Better tell my wife then I won't be home for dinner.
Judge 2: Get out!

Go ahead laugh. Laugh like all the others, but those magicians pulled off the greatest trick of all. They accepted me.


There is a dark side to being a rocker on the road north of the 49th!


I was like John Gotti in a training bra.


Barney Stinson has to do what's right for Barney Stinson's penis.


I have nothing but the utmost respect for you skanks.


Bottom line Vito a lot of strip clubs are into my client. If you want The Melon Patch to be in the mix we're gonna need bigger melons and smaller patches. Otherwise your establishment is not where Barney Stinson is going to pitch his tent.


Things have been weird lately. Is there another architect? Just tell me.


You were this close to ripping off his misbuttoned shirt and pulling down his inside out underpants.


Okay that's ridiculous! Is Nick a genius? No. But does he have average intelligence? No! But he is a human being with a heart!


How I Met Your Mother Season 8 Quotes

Barney: Challenge accepted! Honey it's not cheating if it's on the phone right?
Quinn: Say what now?
Barney: Quinn's on board!

When you leave someone at the altar you always leave a note!
