Breathe and eat. Separately.

Charlie [to Mac]

Pop your teeth in!


See, Mr. Hamilton, we feel if Frank can just understand what a dick he's been to people in his past and and how he's just going to end up old and alone like yourself, then maybe he'll be able to make up for some of his past mistakes.


Why are the urinals filled with rocks?


He's gonna put all the brains in my head. Sweet.


Dee: I'm not scammin' the government if that's what you're saying.
IRS lady: Your license plate says SCAMMIN.

Frank: You have to earn what you get. This principle made me a multi-millionaire.
Dee: No. No. Stealing millions of dollars from your ex-business partner is what made you a millionaire, Frank.
Frank: Eugene Hamilton was a great man! Do not speak ill of the dead.
Dennis: She's speaking ill of you!

Frank didn't buy shitty presents. Frank bought the most awesome presents in the entire world. As a matter of fact, he would find out what Christmas presents we wanted that year and he'd buy it for himself, instead of buying them for us.


[The baby] ruined my transmission, it ruined a perfectly good sewer conversation, I still want to get to the bottom of that one...


Mac: Instead of doing a My Two Dads kind of thing, we'll do a Three Men and a Baby type of thing!
Charlie: Both equally effective movies.

Dennis: Do you have any money?
Charlie: Yeah, it's all right there. I put it all on black.

Barney, you died too young. Before you could walk. Before you could talk. And before you had the chance to get together the proper paperwork.


It's Always Sunny Quotes

Charlie: I'll totally pull a Good Will Hunting on those kids and that'll put them in their place.
Mac: How you gonna do that?
Charlie: Well, you've seen the movie right?
Mac: Yeah.
Charlie: So all I gotta do is, I'll ask them some big shot, like math or science, history-type college question aand that will totally stump them by knowing a lot more about the answer than they do.
Mac: In that movie, Matt Damon played a genius janitor, you're just a janitor.
Charlie: Right, you stumped me with that one.

Mac: He doesn't have any poison.
Charlie: I don't have any on me, but I do keep some in my fridge at home in the relish jar.
Frank: There's poison in that jar? I thought I was allergic to pickles. What's in the jar with the skull and crossbones?
Charlie: Well that's mayonnaise. It's a decoy.
Frank: And the mayo?
Charlie: That's shampoo.
Frank: You're telling I've been putting shampoo on my sandwiches?
Charlie: If you've been using the mayonnaise, then yeah, probably.