I know I know, you hear football coach and you expect to see somebody who screams John Wayne. Meanwhile the only time I’ve screamed the Duke is when we’ve argued over who’s the cutest on Downton Abbey.


What could be more natural than your mother’s tongue in your ear?


Unless you can convince Tom Brady to spend the night, I am not making breakfast for any football players…He is a football player right?


Phil: Sometimes a boy might be a good distraction. I remember a certain young lady who was pretty addicted to Miss Pacman until a dashing young gent caught her eye.
Claire: Only because you were wearing a feather earring.
Phil: It wasn't a feather, it was a dreamcatcher. And it worked.

Haley: Did anyone see my leopard print skirt?
Phil: I saw a leopard headband on the stairs.
Haley: That's it.

News Reporter: How does your spouse feel about you coaching?
Cam: Oh this one, he's my rock, he's my Connie Britton.
Mitchell: Your Connie Britton?
Cam: Mrs. Coach on Friday Night Lights.

I listened to her meringue instructions in the car last week. There was so much whipping and beating I had to pull over.


I like staying with you but it's basically camping.

Manny [to Haley]

We’re having a little staycation but with a turkey instead of a steak!


Right now you’re her pal and I’m just a pitchfork wielding she-devil.

Mitchell [to Cam]

Cam: Trust me, I have another plan.
Mitchell: Really? Because right now our daughter is walking around like a Vietnamese Annie Hall.

Do you think we could just go downstairs and throw money at this and it would go away? I'm asking you, do you think that would work?


Modern Family Quotes

You could pretend to get sick at the table. You know cough, stomachache, dealer's choice, I don't care just sell it.


Thank you Uncle Manny!
