Kasie: Did you tell Ducky?
Parker: No. I said nothing.

Gunman: Tell us the password.
Gracie: No.

I'll speak to my team and let them know everything.


I have contractors in the bathroom.


Jesse: We got here a day early for the retirement party and Kasie put us on decorating duty.
Jane: Well, she's hard to say no to.
Torres: Yeah, tell us about it.

Callen: McGee. It's been a while.
McGee: Yeah, what the hell are you guys doing here?
Sam: I guess it hasn't been long enough.

Palmer: This man took his own life.
McGee: The question is why.

Sam: You expect us to believe that the computer guy lost his password?
McGee: Says the car guy who once lost his favorite car, Charlene, right?
Sam: He knows the name of my car.
Callen: That's impressive.

Jess: I give up; where do the tech trolls keep their caffeine?
McGee: You can't say tech troll.
Jess: You say it all the time!
McGee: Yeah, well, that's different; I am one!
Curtis: Actually, now that Director Vance put you in charge down here, you're the troll king!

Jess: Going up?
Agent Rose: We're in the basement; going up is the only option.
Jess: There's another one (flicks the off switch).

This job isn't for everybody. It requires that you trust the people in this building with your life at all times, good or bad, which can be hard.


Jess: This isn't about loyalty to each other or even loyalty to the badge. We're federal agents with a higher calling; our only loyalty is to the truth.
Agent Rose: Have you been practicing that?
Jess: A little.

NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?