McGee: Why didn't you tell Delilah you were going on a cruise?
Judy: I did, well, I thought I did.

Sergei wants to hurt you. It's clear he blames you for something. Something that wounded him to the core. And now it's payback time. But killing you is inadequate. He wants to see you suffer. Which means that all bets are off on what might come next, or for whom he might come.


If you listen, the dead *will* speak.


You need psychological care, Gibbs.

Jack [to Gibbs]

Wade: Pride. The damn FBI burst in here claiming McLane is solely their jurisdiction. They just carried him out of here like an overstuffed sack of potatoes.
Pride: Who was it, Loretta?
Wade: Agent Doyle and her flying monkeys.

Congresswoman Flemming: Oh, Gibbs, you’re here!
Gibbs: Yes. I work here.

Abby: Hey Tony.
McGee: Vance got a call.
Tony: Ziva. Are we sure?
McGee: I'm so sorry, Tony.

Quinn: Do you believe in miracles?
Gibbs: No.
Quinn: Do you believe in Abby?
Gibbs: With all my heart!

Vance: You have a nice day too.
McGee: She didn't really say, "Have a nice day," did she?

Bishop: Bruised ribs. Can't breathe. Part of the job.
Gibbs: No it isn't. But the paperwork is.

People! Back up and let me do my thing!

Kasie [to Jimmy and Torres]

Clean up your own mess. (Season 7, Episode 24)

Rule #45

NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?