I'm just saying that talent is a real thing; not everybody has it. You should find out what you're good at, just do that.

Mr. Lewis

Ducky: He’s *dead*, Doctor Palmer.
Jimmy: Yeah, I noticed that when I removed his spleen and he didn’t complain!

Your case, your lead. (Season 6, Episode 16; Season 10, Episode 3)

Rule #38

Hegarty: Disaffected young western males, here and in Europe are targeted by terrorist recruiters. Most are troubled kids, seeking redemption and violent action.
Vance: And they buy into jihad?
Hegarty: Media-savvy militants in Iraq and Syria post graphic photos and slip recruitment videos on Facebook and Twitter. Reach right into a kid's bedroom. Parents have no idea what's going on. This is Cleavon Smith, a former Detroit gang member, born again Muslim, who was known as Abu Hussein when he died last week on the killing fields of Syria's civil war.
Gibbs: Do we know how many Americans are fighting in Syria?
Hegarty: About a dozen. We can stop them from returning. It's the ones we don't know about that are the concern, like this Nasry you've uncovered.

Vance: If it were up to Admiral Kendall, he'd authorize Seal Team Six to exfil his daughter.
Gibbs: Well, one way to go.
Vance: I'm warming to the idea.

Vance: What about Parker. Do we actually know where he is right now?
Torres: No, sir. He's been sticking to the game plan.

Gibbs: We're doing this the hard way.
Judith: I like the hard way.

Major King: What did I do wrong?
Abby: You made me care about you.

Nelson: My carbon footprint is very low.
Gibbs: Aside from smoking like a chimney.
Nelson: That’s the only reason I got busted.
McGee: You lit up in a public place, it’s against the law.
Nelson: Apparently, horses can smell prime kush for miles!

Keates: Spider?
Tony: Keates?
Gibbs: You know her?
Tony: Um, well I..in a sort of...yeah. She's Philly PD.
Keates: She was. She's ATF now. Special Agent Zoe Keates. You want to get that gun out of my face and come over here and give me a hug?

McGee: Stan's a good guy. Besides, he knows that Ziva's vulnerable right now.
Tony: Aha. That's exactly what I'm talking about. You see he would use that to his advantage. Swoop right in, like a hawk going after a sweet, innocent, furry little Israeli.

Never date a coworker. (Season 1, Episode 15, and referenced on other occasions)

Rule #12

NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?