You can't walk home without your shoes. They're nice shoes.
Piper. They're from Marshall's. F*ck you.


Doesn't everyone lie to everyone?


Morello: Ahh! I think I did the left side too much. The arch is too high?
Nicky: Yeah, it looks like you're really skeptical about everything, but I think the leery look is hot.

Congratulations. You've officially ruined a man's life.


Piper: Why don't you get me an iPhone so I can take pictures and play Candy Crush. I told you before, I'm not risking my freedom for your f*cking byline.
Andrew: Piper, this woman is a criminal.
Piper: Yeah? So am I.

What is the oldest trick in the book? Poop? In a bag? On fire?!


Bennett: Daya, I would go to jail.
Daya: Well at least we would be even.

Leanne: Someone's cranky.
Yoga Jones: Excuse me. If someone hadn't just joined the strike this morning, they might be cranky, too.

This shameful sexual violation is really workin' out for ya, isn't it?


Riot gear. How is that going to prevent rape?


Vee: We're not neighbors. You live in my house.
Poussey: Let me ask you something. You come back to prison on accident or because outside you're too weak for anyone to take serious?

Larry: What?
Piper: You look beautiful, too.