Todd: Who the hell called the cops?
Teddy: I did. You guys are getting your asses kicked in there. I figured you could use some backup.

Tommy: Nobody's going to drink. Everybody calm down. How much money are we talking?
Sheila: Eight grand.
Tommy: For the wedding.
Sheila and Janet: For the dress.
Tommy: I need a whiskey.

Sheila: What's he trying to tell us?
Tommy: Probably that he wants to be put up for adoption.

This is a dysfunctional family. I know. Call the newspapers. There's a headline for you.


Tommy: I owe you big time for this.
Sheila: No. I did this for us. I did this for all of us.
Tommy: For the brotherhood?
Sheila: No, silly, for the Gavins.

You can't memorialize somebody by plastering their name up on a wall of concrete and steel. You do it by talking about their deeds. You have to remember their faces, their spirit. You have to remember the firefighters on the morning of 9/11 and what they did before they went downtown.


The sex you don't remember, the see through shirt, and the moonlight, but somewhere in that dark, dense, tangled, mangled of a shit storm you dare to call a brain, you remember the letter. Right? Because it pertains to you and what you need right now!


Lou: So, you're girlfriend is a farter.
Sean: No. She is not... what you said.
Sidney: A farter.
Sean: Could we not use that term?
Franco: Oh, you mean the term "farter?"
Sean: Yes.
Lou: How about the term fart-ay?
Sean: No!
Black Shawn: Fart-ay. That's not bad. I mean it has a nice little French ring to it.
Lou: Kind of classes it up a litle.
Sean: No. Nothing with the "f" word in it, please.

Lou: Someone reported a gas leak.
Black Shawn: Oh shit, we going over to Garrity's place?

Colleen: This does not feel like us. It's so peaceful, so polished, so classy, so un-Gavin.
Sheila: Put an open bar and a dance floor over there and it's going to get plenty Gavin, plenty quick.

Lou: The last time you wrote letters, Tom, they were to the mayor's office when they were shutting down all those firehouses and because of your drunken, pigeon scrawl, you caused a lot of confusion. Because every time you wrote the word truck, they thought it was...
Tommy: I know what they thought it was.

I am so sick and tired of you and this 9/11 bullshit. We lost 343 guys that day, Tom, officially. Officially. But let's be honest, look at the two of us, I got a hole inside of me the size of that crater downtown that I've been filling up with flood and you've got a hole inside of you too that you've been filling up with booze.
