What's a browser history?


He looks like an example photo at the barber shop.


How much for that sea dog...how much for this flightless bird?


Danny: How many best friends from college do you have?
Mindy: Best friend isn't a person Danny it's a tier.

Guys I dropped a Mike and Ike on the floor! I need all eyes on this.


It's cool if you're into me. Kevin Garnett once bought me a Coke at a P.F. Changs.

Morgan: He sounds hilarious.
Danny: What are you basing that on?
Morgan: Well she said he was Jewish.
Danny: Morgan we're in the middle of Manhattan.

Merciful Jesus please make Mindy show up and let the Yankees scout some good Dominicans this season.


Jeremy: Perfect score Danny, break a leg.
Danny: Never wink at me again.

Fine just have the party at your Hello Kitty dorm room.


Jeremy: The key Mindy is to find a man who you are attracted to, but don't respect and can't see a future with.
Mindy: Draco Malfoy.
Jeremy: Someone not fictitious.

Carl: Dennis a sweater vest. You're dressing very metrosexual. Do you know that word Mindy?
Mindy: Yeah I remember it.

The Mindy Project Quotes

After four vodka sodas I realized, I had something to say.


Daniel Castellano, I'm the man that is going to take a person out of you. I don't take that responsibility lightly okay?
