Jeremy: The key Mindy is to find a man who you are attracted to, but don't respect and can't see a future with.
Mindy: Draco Malfoy.
Jeremy: Someone not fictitious.

Guys I dropped a Mike and Ike on the floor! I need all eyes on this.


Carl: Dennis a sweater vest. You're dressing very metrosexual. Do you know that word Mindy?
Mindy: Yeah I remember it.

If we are indulging in imaginary situations I would love to introduce you to my husband, straight Anderson Cooper.

Beverly: Why are you wearing a wetsuit?
Jeremy: This isn't a wetsuit, these are skinny pants and a fitted shirt.

You know grilled cheese is my beat fuel. Gotta melt cheddar to make cheddar, feel me?


In honor of our European friend I got some beer with the two dots over the thing.

Mr. Putch

No offense, that excuse stinks. I told them you were helping a little black kid.


I don't have a problem with you. I just don't want to hang out with you if I don't have to.


Morgan: Do you remember my ex girlfriend Vicky?
Mindy: No.
Morgan: Ok, well anyway, she just got engaged to an engineer and not the choo-choo kind, the rich kind.

I don't know, I got a sex date with a 2 which means she's a Chicago 4 which means she's a Wisconsin 9.


Three hundo thundo just to flash Vince and Owen?

The Mindy Project Quotes

After four vodka sodas I realized, I had something to say.


Daniel Castellano, I'm the man that is going to take a person out of you. I don't take that responsibility lightly okay?
