Andy: Wow. Can you imagine what people would say if they saw us dancing together.
Erin: Oh I know.
Andy: They'd be like, "What's up with those twoo!"
Erin: "Hey guys get a bedroom already!"
Andy: "Did we miss the wedding!"
Erin: [laughs]
Andy: Um I got it! I'll do this, and you play the racing game and then we'll switch.
Erin: [pause] Yes. Okay. Yeah that's smart.
Andy: No drama, okay.

Angela versus Isabelle. Height, advantage Isabelle. Birthing hips, advantage Isabelle. Remaining childbearing years, advantage Isabelle. Legal obligation, advantage Angela.


I would say I kind of have an unfair advantage because I watch reality dating shows like a hawk. And I learn. I absorb information, from the strategies of winners. And the losers! Actually I probably learn more from the losers.


Woman: I am an ESL teacher.
Michael: Really? See, I didn't think you could teach that. I thought that was something you were born with. What am I thinking right now.
Woman: Are you thinking I said ESP?
Michael: Yes. Ah I feel like an idiot. Awesome.

Jim: Do you wanna just make a run for it?
Pam: Maybe.
Kevin: [walks by, starts screaming into Pam's chest] Wahhhhhhhh! Wahhhhh! Mammyyyyy!
Jim: What is happening?

Hi I'm Date Mike. Nice to meet me. How do you like your eggs in the morning.


Dwight: Well well well. If it isn't Isabelle. What's a girl like you doing in a place like this.
Isabelle: A girl like me is why a guy like you comes to a place like this.
Dwight: Ooh. I love repartee.
Isabelle: Do you?
Dwight: Usually means there's a battle scene coming.

Pam: Kevin!
Kevin: [hugs her] Ahhhhhhh!
Pam: Yay! How are you!
Kevin: Oh I missed you so much!
Pam Beesly: Aww!
Kevin: Yeahhhhhh! Wahhhhhh! Wahhhhhhhhhh! Wahhhhhhhhh!
[cut to interview]
Kevin: Well when a new mom hears a baby cry, her you-know-whats fill up with you-know-what? And then her shirt gets... you know ... That would be funny!

Michael: Oh, wow. I cannot believe this is happening. It's everything I dreamed. Oh my God!
Jim: Easy.
Michael: It's not a birthday, it's not a good-bye party ...
Jim: Oh hey, Pam and I are gonna go play pool with one of her friends. And we need a fourth.
Michael: Sucks to be youuuu!
Jim: [pause] Would you like to be our fourth.
Michael: That would be sublime.

Michael: I'm trying to make your kids, respect you. Because, a father needs to respect his boss. And kids don't respect the father who doesn't respect the boss. Do you understand that line of logic?
Jim: I don't think you even understand it.
Michael: I do understand it.

[after arriving at a dump] This place has gone to hell.


Michael: Wait, what day is today?
Kevin: Um, tonight is Ghost Whisperer. So Friday.

The Office Season 6 Quotes

Jim: You gotta figure this out.
Andy: How?
Jim: Have sex with a woman.
Andy: Oh, yeah!
Jim: Then a man. Then compare.

Andy: [on gay rumors] For the record I prefer women, but off the record, I'm kinda confused.
Jim: Really.
Andy: The evidences are stacked against me.