Robert you got your sheep, and you got your black sheep, and I'm not even a sheep. I'm on the freakin' moon.


Jim: Stop shoving me.
Dwight: Aww, stop shoving me. Stop grabbing my penis. Grow up.

Does your husband have very soft erections?


Jim has no discernable sense of humor Pam. You should know that.


Andy: When you're in a rock n roll band with somebody, you're bonded for life.
Darryl: Usually their life is short and tragic.

Val: Not bad fellas. You're better than you look.
Kevin: Hey screw you!

You know what would be the hottest thing ever? A pregnant Helen Mirren.


Pam: And I make sounds much worse than this?
Dwight: Oh we know.

I know how to save the company, everyone. Just write a petition, get everyone's signature, including our clients, march down to Florida, and shove it up your butt!


Pam: What are you doing?
Dwight: What does it look like I'm doing? Digging a grave for a horse.

Dwight: Can you tell me now where paper comes from?
Kevin: The man tree puts its penis...

The Michilen Man called, he wants his cummerbund back.

Gabe (to Daryl)

The Office Season 8 Quotes

He talked her out of her own job and I don't know how someone does that.


Planking is one of those things where, hey you either get it or you don't...and I don't, but I am so excited to be a part of it.
