I thought it was because they're all so rich, they could eat popsicles all the time.


I am always acting in self-defense...occasionally preemptive self-defense.


Robert: It's been ten days since I've had sexual intercourse.
Andy: Well you came to the right place.

Gam Gam's name is Ruth. Jim you should know. I introduced you that one time, on speaker phone.


We figured out your goal. I'm gonna make you the buffest dude Val Kilmer has ever seen.


Dwight: What do you want?!?!
Darryl: To look good for Val!
Dwight: Val Kilmer?!? I don't buy it. That doesn't make any sense.

How do you think the Fonz got so cool? He stretched his pelvic bowl.


Darryl: I figured I'd start slow.
Dwight: Is that the same philosophy you apply to buffalo wings?

We have a gym at home. It's called the bedroom.


Susan: You didn't say goodbye to your grandmother.
Andy: We promised we'd never say goodbye.

What I wouldn't give for one of Phyllis's classic room clearing farts right now.


I apologize for my friend, and for the Republicans who cutting your funding.


The Office Season 8 Quotes

He talked her out of her own job and I don't know how someone does that.


Planking is one of those things where, hey you either get it or you don't...and I don't, but I am so excited to be a part of it.
