Almost Human Reviews

Almost Human Review: Multiplicity

Almost Human Review: Multiplicity

On Almost Human, John and Dorian must protect a murder witness when she escapes from a compromised safehouse. Will they be able to keep her safe? Find out now!
Posted in: Almost Human
Almost Human Review: Hostages

Almost Human Review: Hostages

On Almost Human, John and Dorian find themselves dealing with a hostage situation. Can they save the captives and make it out of the building in one piece? Find out now in our TV Fanatic review!
Posted in: Almost Human
Almost Human Review: Recollection

Almost Human Premiere: Grade It!

Almost Human takes us to the year 2048 when every human officer must be paired with an android. Meet Detective John Kennex and his partner now!
Posted in: Reviews

Almost Human Quotes

Maldonado: 'Kennex should return to duty never.'
John: Never? Well that's a long time.

Richard, I know this won't be easy for you, but don't be a prick.
